Ok, you forced me. my faveortie scene and qoutes are as follows:
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl- *Elizabeth Swann: "I can't Breathe!" James Norrington: "I know, neither can I." * Soldier: "You've seen a ship, with black sails, that is crewed by the 'darned', and captained by a man so evil, hell itself spat him back out." Soldier 2: looks happy "No." * Jack: "name's SMith, Smithy if you like." FAVEORITE SCENES: *Jack: (looking at swords) "Who makes all these?!" Will: "I do! and i practice with them, three hours a day!" Jack: "You need to find yourself a girl mate! or perhaps the reason you cannot win fair lady's heart is because you are less incapibal of wooing said person. you're not a euinuch are you?" * Jack: "Well! I'm feeling rather good about all this. I think we've all arived at a special place, theologically, spiritaully, ecnomically. (to norry) I want you to know that i was rooting for you mate, know that. Elizabeth, it would've never worked between us darling. (runs off)Oh! (turns around) Will! Nice hat! Gents! you will always remember today as the day you almost caught -" (falls)
i warned you! ok,
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest- *Jack:"No! it is a drwarwing of a key." * Jack: "Why is the rum always gone?" * Elizabeth: "consider into your caculations that you robbed me of my wedding night." *Jack: "No worries mates! Tia Dalma and i go way back, thick as theives we were, was. have been." FAVEORITE SCENES: * Tia: "you. you have a touch of destiny about you." Will:who are you?" Tia: "you want to know me..." Jack: "there'll be no knowing here, i thought i knew you." * Elizabeth: "Jack!" Jack: "welcome to the crew lad, to what pleasure do i grant you?" Elizabeth: "i'm here to find the man i love." Jack: "I'm deeply flatterd son but my first and only love is the sea." Elizabeth: "Jack." Jack: "Elizabeth! Hide the rum. that oufit does not flattter you darling, it is either a dress or nothing. i happen to have no dress in my cabin."
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