Monday, January 21, 2008

You Might Just Be a Pirate of the Caribbean Freak...

Here is a Pirate test i made. if you qualify for at least 3 of these, well, you might just be a pirate of the caribbean freak if:
1. you've ever watched anything having to do with Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom right after seeing one of the movies.
2. you've bought a t-shirt or necklace with a skull and cross bones on it.
3. you've ever bought the soundtrakc to the tril. and can name the song when you hear it. (by its real name)
4.if you find youreslf saying, "me? im just honest, and an dishonest man you can alway trust to be dishonest, honestly, its the honest ones you have to watch out for..."
5. if you emeadiatley think: Whys the rum gone?! when some one mentions an acholholic beverage.
more later;-)


Anonymous said...

soo i qualify for 2 of them. this site has helped fuel my passion. thank u a.m.!!

Anonymous said...

just incase your here a.m. im at school on the computer and im pretty sure no one else looks at this blog, so i will talk to you!!

Anonymous said...

i forgot to say: its lafawnduh talking to you!