My dad and I were watching the first Pirates, and I was laughing at the line, "Right where I left you, not where I left you!" I nearly fell on the ground laughing. It is not his fault that he delivered those lines badly, and in fact, he did a pretty good job. Its just that he seems like such a fruitcake after Johnny Depp's performance w/ the handcuff thingys. So, my Dad, Brother, and I came up with the nick name "Prettiest Pirate" for him. And lets face it, even after the first one he has the weakest dialogue. Poor kid. The only thing keeping me from running up to him and saying "Its ok! You'll get a better role in your next movie!" is the fact that he had THE COOLEST HAT in the first movie (in fact, I kinda missed it in the other two,) and that he pulled off the third one WAY better then the other two. (Ok, I did cry when he died in the third. but what girl wasn't?) The other thing I have to say about him is this:
STOP CALLING HIM GAY!!! Unless he openly tells the world that he is, he isn't. Come on guys, just because he has the most perfect hair and skin (all the girls, and even some of the guys i know, are jealous of his ''angel'' likeness) does not mean that he is a homo. Can't you tell he at least tried to mess up his hair and complexion for Pirates? Lets just forget that he ever was the elf in tights in Lord of the Rings, not to mention that he was the only character in the Fellowship that ever took a shampoo and pedicure before he went to bed. (seriously, were the make up people aware that he looked like he was sleeping in a hotel instead of laying on rocks every night? READ THE BOOK!) but yeah, the next person that calls him a homo is going to have to answer to me.
that does not change the fact that I wish I had his hair.
P.S: I only make fun of people who are extremely awesome. "I want you to know i was rooting for you mate, know that."
1 comment:
Yay prettiest pirate!!! I love you annamaria!! This is thoo thtinking athome!!! Bye Femelka!!
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