No seriously why? What is it that makes us admire swearing, drunk, smelly (yet strangely attractive) men? Its kinda puzzling really. is it their hats? their weapons? their sense of sarcasm? truly, we hate thieves in real life, but if you say you're a pirate you're automatically admired by everyone standing next to you. if you have the answer to this question please click the comment button (it looks like 0 comments) and tell me. also, if you happen to be an artist and have some Jack Sparrow art you'd like to donate, paste it there too. thanks. Ok back to the blog, so Pirates are swashbuckling. so far that's all I've come up with as a reason to why they're so cool.
well, if not, they really do have awesome capes and knickers and hats and billowing blouses and....
That is a really good question, I have no idea. But my best guess is (like you said) their cool hats!! TTYL annamaria.
Dear annamaria,
Hi. My friend sent me this website, and I am really enjoying it! I am not sure why pirates are appealing, but my best guess is that they are beucase they are always finding new ways for freedom. And as your friend "Femelka" i think it is says, their hats might definately have something to do with it!
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